Click on an image to enlarge it. Click on the caption when enlarged to view the original very large pohoto.
You can open more than one photo at a time and move them around.

<% Dim count Dim intPageNum Dim imagesperpage Dim startimage count = 0 imagesperpage = 16 If Request.QueryString("PageNumber") = "" Then intPageNum = 1 Else intPageNum = CInt(Request.QueryString("PageNumber")) if intPageNum < 1 then intPageNum = 1 end if End If startimage = intPageNum - 1 startimage = startimage * imagesperpage startimage = startimage + 1 Set directory=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set allfiles=directory.getfolder(server.mappath("uticabridalshower/thumb/")) For each directoryfile in allFiles.files If InStr(1, directoryfile.Name, ".jpg", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then count = count + 1 if count < imagesperpage + startimage AND count > startimage - 1 then dim myImg, iwidth, iheight, topmargin set myImg = loadpicture(directoryfile) iwidth = round(myImg.width / 26.4583) iheight = round(myImg.height / 26.4583) set myImg = nothing topmargin = Int(((130 - iheight) / 2)) %>
wedding photo
Original (May be very large)
<% END IF END IF Next %>
<% Dim lastpage lastpage = count/imagesperpage If lastpage > Int(lastpage) then lastpage = Int(lastpage) + 1 else lastpage = Int(lastpage) End If %> Page <%=intPageNum%> of <%=lastpage%> <%if intPageNum > 1 then %> Previous <%end if%> <%if count > imagesperpage * intPageNum then%> Next <%end if%>